First lambs of 2018

Lambing 2018!!

What a time its been with the weather, it has been absolutely pants for the poor sheep. First it was Wet Wet Wet because they could feel it with their fingers and their toes! (sorry, Marty Pellow fans!) Then it was just plain daft with freezing temperatures and Frosty the Snowman came for a visit both outside and inside the barn. So I’m not surprised that this has unsettled the ladies somewhat.

At present there have been 18 lambs arrive at the farm with another 15 mums to give birth.

There has been sad moments due to losing a couple of the lambs  through being born dead or after Mums abandoning them. Myself and Sue worked tirelessly with a hairdrier to try to warm a lamb and save it but eight hours later we lost the battle…..

So all Mums now are late in giving birth, hopefully the weather will only improve and will be lambing in a better climate.

Sorry for my late updates but its been a busy time here as the centre is moving on which I am getting really excited about.

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